Saturday, January 28, 2012

biggest loser {week 2}

and the winner this week . . .

this has been a part of my inspiration:

{especially after 8pm}

i am down 2 pounds!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

{thursday product post} lip saver

i know i claimed that i was no longer an aveda junkie . . .
i still have one little product that i cannot get enough of . . .

it doesn't taste funky
it's not too shiny or too matte
it has SPF 15
{huge selling point for this sunscreen nazi}
yes, ladies and gents, your lips need sunscreen too . . .
yes, even in the winter!

lip saver is truly the best lip balm
i have ever used!

go on now . . .
get saved!

Monday, January 23, 2012

biggest loser {week 1}

so there we were in the break room --
stripping down . . . !

we all weighed in
the winner was . . .
the blind girl next door!

she lost 2 lbs in 1 week!

go lou!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

{thursday product post} pick

a pick, you say?

they are good for everyone from baby to eighty!

the teeth are big, long and wide
they are gentle on tangles
the handle is easy to hold . . .
it is a win/win tool for all types of hair!
  • curly or straight
  • long or short
  • thick or fine
it probably seems kind of 80's
but i swear . . .
you will love it!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

overheard in the salon

yesterday was . . .

here is just a small dose of things . . .

"i've never really wanted to go on a cruise . . .
well especially not one that hits a coral reef"

"i need my tonsils taken out so bad . . .
i mean, really
{pulls out a flash light
points it in her mouth
while looking in the mirror}
look at how huge they are"

"they have broken up and gotten back together 17 times"

"my husband doesn't text"

"you don't have to style my hair, i am just going to put my helmet on"

"i better just have hot chocolate or i will be up all night"

"you guys, is it bad if i want to go home and have a turkey taco before bed?"

"i don't want to leave here looking like bieber"

"will you teach me how to use pinterest?  i don't get it"

"if i hear one more god damn bieber song i am gonna lose it"

"can you show me how to put loose waves in my hair?"

"let's go have nachos"

"let's weigh ourselves . . . uh oh i gained weight . . .
we should weigh ourselves in the morning instead . . .
maybe it's going to get worse before it gets better"

"i just had a baby, lost hair and all this new hair is growing in
and it looks like a bunch of pubic hair all over my head"

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

raiding the closet

i had my outfit all picked out
{in my head}

i pulled out my favorite pair of mustard colored skinny jeans

and they had a bleach stain!
{a hazard of the job}


don't you just hate when that happens?!

i found a new pair the other day
they are grey
{almost} as cute . . .
so, they will just have to do the trick!

Monday, January 16, 2012

biggest loser

what:     the biggest loser

when:    now until march 23

who:      4 brunettes, 1 blonde

why:      because we all want to lose weight {duh!}

where:  the salon

how:  weigh in days are on fridays on the same scale
           i am the keeper of the biggest loser spreadsheet
           {i LOVE spreadsheets + numbers = weird, huh?}
           winner each week will be by number of pounds lost
           winner at the end will be by percentage of pounds lost
           {and the pot of cash}

we LOVE eating
ok, well i do!
we don't schedule a "lunch hour"
so we either:
a.) shove our faces with whatever is in the backroom in between clients
     <trying very carefully not to eat the pregnant girl's food>
b.) order take-out
c.) don't eat all day which results in a headache at the end of the night . . .
and a complete willingness to go out to eat and scarf down without abandon

well things are about to change . . . !

may the biggest loser be the biggest winner!
game on, girls!

and to our readers:
don't be a loser! 
be a "Like"-er!

Friday, January 13, 2012

a f*cking miracle!

not everything is sunshine + roses, people.

clients spill their beans about a lot of things . . .
the happy + sad
the good + bad
the ugly . . .

the ugliest and most common:
it is nasty.

i have seen clients go through a lot with this nasty disease.
i am here to tell you {from personal experience} 
. . . there is HELP!
for you + the alcoholic in your life!
there is absolutely no shame in getting it either!

AA, Al-Anon + interventions to name a few --
and when your ready to bring in the big guns . . .

today, i thanked my dad for a great 2 years!

it has truly been AWESOME!!!! 

{and i thought to myself}

miracles happen everyday . . .
so don't stop seeking
sunshine + roses!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

spa . . . aaaahhhh

i recently went to my favorite spa for a few relaxing hours . . .

first up:  facial
my favorite esthetician {and former coworker}
got out of the business a number of years ago
so i have struggled to find someone as good as her.
but, alas . . .
i FOUND her replacement!
service grade: A+

next up: pedicure
normally i do them myself
i am a little {okay, a lot} picky
especially about the painting!
but i love the relaxation piece of it
so i sucked it up!
a few days before i went, i took off my polish
cut and filed my toenails
and did a little buffing . . .
the nail tech seemed a little annoyed that i did half her work for her
then she asked what i do for a living
and since i can't lie ... i told her that i do hair
she got a little sassy from there on out!

my color choice:
opi nicki minaj - metallic 4 life
{one of my toes has already chipped}
service grade:  B-

last up:  shellac
this was with the same nail tech
this service was in the salon section
so not as relaxing --
but, by far the best shellac i have ever had!
again, she was not super social or overly nice
but what she lacked in tact . . .
she made up for in talent!

my color choice:
cnd shellac - asphalt
and i was happy to hear that come feb/march
shellac is coming out with some new colors!
service grade: B+

it was so very nice to be the client!
i think i'll keep doing my toes myself  . . .
but i am looking forward to my next facial and shellac!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

regret . . .

i have one.
one that still makes me cry.

skip back about 12 years ago
i was on my one week break from
the aveda institute minneapolis

we went to visit my last living grandparent
{my granny}
for the last time . . .
she had terminal colon cancer


i debated about whether or not i should bring my scissors along
to give her a haircut

i decided not to --
i didn't want them to get confiscated at security
i just didn't know if she would feel up to it, you know?

and wouldn't you know it . . .
the first thing she asked me when we walked in the door
"did you bring your scissors along?"

i STILL get teared up to this day

one of her favorite things was the
albuquerque international balloon fiesta
so whenever i see hot air balloons . . .
it makes me smile and think of her!

picture credit:

i can't wait to bring my kids someday!
{i am all about sentiment and tradition}


hug your grandparents if you still have them!
they are a gift!

Sunday, January 8, 2012

it's a nice sunny sunday . . .

. . . a perfect time to dive into my new stack of magazines!

inspiration is everywhere . . .
especially in this handful of my favorites!

Friday, January 6, 2012

an afro and a mullet

my kids have crazy hair
one has natural curls
{so that means he is a girl?  NO!}
the other . . .
born with a mullet.  no joke.

here is the trick to cutting kids hair:
leave it to the pros!
don't even do a bang trim . . .
you know they will end up crooked
or heaven forbid -- one wrong move . . .
and then:  blood.
or just cleaning up around their ears? 
blood . . .  guaranteed.

bring them to a salon that specializes in kids
or to your own trusted stylist who loves you
{therefore he/she will love your kids!}

don't do it if they are overtired or hungry.
bring a distraction: a DS, your iphone, etc.
have a reward: most salons have suckers --
{or if you are a health nut like me: bring fruit}
more reward ideas: go out for pizza, ice cream,
shopping, a new book or whatever floats your boat!

here's the other thing to remember:
it's just HAIR!
don't stress!
{there are much bigger problems in the world}

Thursday, January 5, 2012

{thursday product post} cotton swabs

here's a q-tip for you . . .


there is nothing worse than
doing a haircut {or color}
and you get around to the side of the head
to see some crusty, dirty, waxy ears . . .

they are inexpensive!
so keep them on your counter

{i keep mine in an old mason jar}
and give your ears the ol' one two
when you get out of the shower!
do it daily . . .
or at least before you go into the salon!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

a resolution to read: book #1

one of my new year's resolutions
is to read more books

normally my idea of reading is a magazine  {oopsie!}
i am a junkie and get lots of them delivered
at home + at the salon . . .
so it is just too easy!

i have a feeling i am going to buzz right through this book ...
The Happiness Project  {Gretchen Rubin}

it is SO good!
i find myself laughing, nodding my head in agreement --
it just all makes sense, you know?!

i am always up for recommendations . . .
so lay them on me people!!!

and don't forget to go "LIKE"
only your hairstylist knows for sure
on facebook!