Wednesday, January 18, 2012

overheard in the salon

yesterday was . . .

here is just a small dose of things . . .

"i've never really wanted to go on a cruise . . .
well especially not one that hits a coral reef"

"i need my tonsils taken out so bad . . .
i mean, really
{pulls out a flash light
points it in her mouth
while looking in the mirror}
look at how huge they are"

"they have broken up and gotten back together 17 times"

"my husband doesn't text"

"you don't have to style my hair, i am just going to put my helmet on"

"i better just have hot chocolate or i will be up all night"

"you guys, is it bad if i want to go home and have a turkey taco before bed?"

"i don't want to leave here looking like bieber"

"will you teach me how to use pinterest?  i don't get it"

"if i hear one more god damn bieber song i am gonna lose it"

"can you show me how to put loose waves in my hair?"

"let's go have nachos"

"let's weigh ourselves . . . uh oh i gained weight . . .
we should weigh ourselves in the morning instead . . .
maybe it's going to get worse before it gets better"

"i just had a baby, lost hair and all this new hair is growing in
and it looks like a bunch of pubic hair all over my head"

1 comment:

  1. "i just had a baby, lost hair and all this new hair is growing in
    and it looks like a bunch of pubic hair all over my head"

    LOL!! I can totally relate but wouldn't refer to it as that!
